DPE project management
Over twenty years of experience
Two decades in the plastics processing industry has provided a wealth of experience. Starting on the shop floor and ending in the boardroom. Together with continuing education and the love for the trade, it makes us a party that can guide a project from design to production line.
In those twenty years we have been able have been able to look into the working methods of many manufacturers. And without giving away any 'secrets', we can still add value to a project through the knowledge and experience we have gained from others. Through the learning process of other manufacturers at an earlier stage and the pitfalls they have encountered can be avoided as a result. At the same time, you will benefit from the insights and solutions generated by the industry.
Achieving goals
Starting a project from the drawing office, budgeting realistically, create the right team of people, setting the schedule and making sure it is followed, holding everyone to their responsibilities, informing the various stakeholders, and most importantly, making sure the objectives are met.
For whom?
DPE is active for manufacturers within technology, automotive and the medical industry. If you happen to work in one of those sectors and are looking for someone who can lead a project, please get in touch.
Possibly we can be of service to you!